Wednesday 11 June 2008


So as predicted variance had it's way and combined with bad play i've undone most of the good work from last week, I have no idea how to get out of this playing on autopilot that causes most the problems. I've recently started eating better, I get plenty of excercise and yet every now and again I play a session with no thought.

I was worried about moving back to NL50, I needn't of been, the level of play is horrendous, if I can get my act together and adjust the way I know I should, everything should work out in the end. I am reluctant to nit it up, but it seems it will be the best way to progress at this level.

So on a positive note I realise what my leaks are and I know how to beat the level i'm at, (i'm still running at 5ptbb/100 somehow as well) so it's not all bad, I was just hoping for a month where I might get my money in good regular and it hold up. Meh maybe July.

Quick summary of last night:

AK < KQ Q55 (K turn)
AK < K3 All in pre (3 river)
QQ < AT T83 (A river)
AA < K6 652 (6 river)

Also ran into 4 sets.

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